“E Clampus Vitus”® and “ECV”® are registered trademarks of E Clampus Vitus, Inc. and are used by expressed permission.
Copyright 2008 All Rights Reserved.

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As I pass through this life, may I always be humble, may I never take myself serious-"a stuffed shirt", may I always appreciate a little bit of the "ridiculous"; may I always be a two-fisted Clamper when the bottle pass's my way, and if I imbibe and can't hold it like a man, then may I always be able to "Pass it on to the next Brother", may I never forget the stout-hearted men who settled a great Western wilderness, and the heritage we have today; may I never fail to appreciate a bit of Western lore.

This site is solely owned and operated by Steve Myers and is an UNOFFICIAL web site, dedicated to the members of Estanislao Chapter #58 of the Ancient and Honorable Order of E Clampus Vitus. This site is also dedicated to all ECV members and is associated with fun, frolic, libations and California history. The Graybeards and members of Estanislao Chapter 58, E Clampus Vitus or Grand Council assumes NO RESPONSIBILITY for this web site. 


Site created and designed by Steve "iggy"Myers

YB1 X NGH #62,   DB #88


Established May 1998 CY 6003

©Copyright 1998 - 2020

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“E Clampus Vitus”® and “ECV”® are registered trademarks of E Clampus Vitus, Inc. and are used by expressed permission.
Copyright 2008 All Rights Reserved.





     ARCHIVES   HISTORY   EVENTS   Monuments/Plaques   Tribute To Vietnam Vets 

Last Updated Saturday, February 22, 2020